
0. The Fool

Joelle Nealy
the fool tarot card

Let’s pretend that you’ve been with me since the very beginning of the story. And also, that it’s a different story. Okay, not entirely different. I mean I’m still in it and you’re still in it. 

Visualize spending the last nine months following the twists and turns of Poesie’s rebranding (and, as it turns out, a bit of a Joelle rebranding too).  Imagine, that I've been writing post after post. Showing up fully with my laundry laid bare for all to see. Like we’re besties and I didn’t forget to write to tell you about all the things happening in my life. 

In this timeline with me, you fell in love with the gorgeous bottles from Italy only to learn they leaked (sigh). You poured over font after font with me - finding all the faults in them like Goldilocks at a hotel checking and rejecting each and every of the 199 beds. We wondered aloud together ‘are we being too picky’ and ‘is it too late to learn how to design fonts’ and finally ‘this is ridiculous, something deeper must be going on here.’ You felt my overwhelm and the (possibly self-imposed) responsibility of getting everything perfect, of being perfect. You saw me couchrotting while my body screamed for attention until I slowly made changes big and small. 

You also know about that time I was working on balance in Pilates and realized that it’s not about getting it right forever, it’s about paying attention and righting as needed. You sensed my jaw unclench and felt my shoulders drop.  Shadow work has shifted the lens through which I look at myself.  It continues to break me apart like a kaleidoscope. Who knew I was so complicated with so many bits? (Shhhh, no need to answer that.) Oh, and I also became obsessed with Chappell Roan. Listening to her changed my brain chemistry, maybe even my DNA. I can’t prove that, but it’s true (seriously, watch her NPR Tiny Desk concert and try not to fall in love with her Chappell Roan: Tiny Desk Concert).  

Split screen to the real story. We’re nine months into the Poesie rebranding. At times, I felt like we would never figure it all out or get it all done.  I didn’t know how to share all the things happening and not happening. I didn’t write. I didn’t call. I was ready to just die in the fire swamp. But we’re soooo close! I’ve been saying that for months, but it is true now. We have a new logo! We have new bottles! And yes, there’s still a lot of work ahead of us (like a lot lot), but, at the moment, I’m feeling strong. It’s starting to feel just right (see: Goldilocks). Simply writing this feels like being The Fool standing on the precipice, bundle over my shoulder and white rose in hand. It's exhilarating. 

But I also know in my bones that The Fool is just the beginning of another cycle. Rachel Pollack said, “The Fool is movement, change, [and] the constant leap through life.” I’ve found that sometimes as you leap, it can feel like the scenery doesn’t look so different. Maybe you’re the one who changes.

All of this is just to say that we have new bottles, and I love them. (I’m not going to show them to you now, because I have a ✨flair for the dramatic✨ as anyone who knows me will attest.) But after searching and searching, debating the merits of rollers and droppers and a multitude of other implements, we have The Bottles. I really hope you love them too. As soon as I held them for the first time, I realized they look like little indie children of two of my favorite perfumes. (I’m sharing a picture of those, so you get a sense of the vibe we’re going for AND I can still get the big reveal I deeply crave.) 

look, mom! i’m a hand model!

These are the perfumes that started it all. I liked bits and pieces of each, but they weren’t exactly what I wanted, so I made Femme Dangereuse, the very first Poesie Perfume. Then I made hundreds more perfumes. Seriously, I can’t stop myself.

And here we are: nine years later and we’re nine months into our rebranding process. I’ve changed (don't we all?), but I’m still me (sort of), and I will continue becoming me. I’ve made peace with there being endless versions of me (and highly recommend that approach to life, by the way). 

Anyway, what I really want you to know is I put a lot of thought and heart into every aspect of Poesie. I always have. The new branding doesn’t change who or what Poesie is at the core, but, after years of learning and growing and changing, it’s past time to make changes to ensure Poesie reflects where I am now and where I want you to be on this journey with me. Maybe I should have done a better job bringing you along, but I didn’t always know where I was going. 

The revamped Poesie is just about HOT TO GO! and I hope you like it. After all, I made it so you’d dance with me. Stay tuned!